Auto-Rickshaw Branding

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USP of Auto-Rickshaw Advertising

  • Auto-rickshaws are a primary means o transport or the masses.
  • Availability o auto-rickshaws across geographies provides a golden opportunity to target every possible area.
  • Cost will entirely depend upon volume, size o ad, medium o printing whether its normal flex, vinyl, and eco vinyl.
  • The message stands a good chance on an average o 18 hours o exposure everyday as each rickshaw travels
    about 70-100kms
  • Auto-rickshaw advertising is an extremely cost effective, broadcast communication platorm, and quite oten the
    only affordable broadcast option available to low budget or smaller shows.

Process for Auto-Rickshaw Advertising:

  • Contact with us (Will discuss about the campaign, Rate, ­ate, Size, Type o Auto Ads etc.
  • Once we get your requirement, accordingly we’ll share the auto-rickshaw branding size or creative.
  • Once your creative ready, share with us & we will provide you the sample o creative or auto rickshaw branding.
  • We’ll do your work within given time and hand over you all the Photographs, with Auto Rickshaw RTO No. & Name,
    Contact as work report.
  • We ensure your ads are displayed with regular checks.